< czandor.hu
Apps (apk) for FireTV and for GoogleTV
Total Commander
Total Commander LAN plugin
VNC Server
'HBO Max' (pre-'Max') for FireTV
YouTube extracted from FireTV
Silk Browser full version extracted from FireTV (working on Google TV)
Silk Browser launcher for Google TV (must install full version first!)
Play Store launcher for Google TV
Apple TV extracted from FireTV
Chromecast built-in extracted from Google TV
Shortcut maker on GoogleTV for non-GoogleTV apps:
App repository of Android TV apps V1.14
App repository of Android TV apps GitHub releases
Due to increased security concerns, we no longer recommends installing third-party apps not officially supported by a device's official app store.
In this case, we do not recommend installing a third-party APK not officially supported by Google.
GRC: RzFkiMnBp2TUENumcrTH7iKzbAzNumHZcs